Originally Posted by Huck
It took every inch of my self control to not completely ruin this guys car. My parking space is extra big, and I park way on one side so that there is like 10 feet between me and the next car. Some fuckin ******* decided to squeeze his car in my extra space. I had to take my zenclosure box out of the trunk and climb through the back to get into my car.
My revenge was taking acoustic ceiling wires and wrapping them around his car, the twisting them together under his car so that he couldn't open up his doors. Bitchassmotherfucker. I seriously wanted to fight him, but he never came out and I had to clock out and go home...
Attachment 51697
That white line on the right side of the picture is MY WHITE LINE.
Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new-fangled science stuff
I like your creativity
I wear steel-toed boots on a daily basis for work and have had to resist the temptation to use them on some asshat's car many times. So far, I have managed, but some $hit like that would definitely test my willpower.