Originally Posted by EazyD
^ got any video ?
I've only gone out twice so far, but I'm not half bad. I can hold the drift having stsrted before the turns and hold it all the way to the next transition point, and from there, it's hit or miss if i can weight transfer to the other side. Full loops in one direction are pretty doable, though.

I had a friend in the car with my cellphone recording, but as this was at midnight, it's really hard to see. I could try uploading the outside view, though.
Originally Posted by DarkJak
Would stiffer springs help in the same way that a stiffer swaybar would?
Definitely stiffer springs or swaybars would help, imo. Through drifts, the wheels would hop since the suspension was soft enough to allow that, and it made controlling precisely more difficult. But still, with the VLSD and stock suspension, it's more than enough to have a little fun. Keep in mind my drift spares are Infiniti M35 wheels, 18x8.