Originally Posted by jpritche
Anything under 300 degrees is pussy shit.
Just kidding, but honestly if there wasn't a gauge right in front of our face I don't think half the people would have an oil cooler. Just my two cents though.
Agreed. If I am driving hard, I am feeling too many G's from turns and braking to notice any decrease in power from higher temps. If it weren't for the gauge, I wouldn't know any better till I hit 280/limp mode. Also, for me, the jump in driving style to raise it from 260 to 270 is huge. I'd be driving just under all-out-balls-to-the-wall on a tight road.
However, I think the issue would be immediately present if I track my car. Lengths are longer and turns are wider, which would mean I'd be on the throttle much more and usually all the way down. This would be why it'd be good to install a cooler.