Thread: 30K Maintenance
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Old 07-29-2012, 03:47 PM   #19 (permalink)
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dirtrat is on a distinguished road

I disagree with almost everything you said but it's your car and your decision. You won't get more money when selling your car just because you are doing this type of maintenance. If you just do the recommended service from Nissan, that will be adequate. Doing the recommend service is not cutting corners and IMHO someone changing out all of these fluids at only 30K miles is a complete waste of money. BTW, my dealer would charge far more than $400-$500 do do all of the work you are talking about.

Originally Posted by Tinman View Post
My 30k is coming up in a couple of months. I'm replacing all the fluids- power steering, brake, manual transmission and differential, coolant, oil, and everything else that needs lubrication including door joints. Don't forget your fuel injection services too along with cleaning your K&N filters with a recharge kit. Spark plugs are easy to replace. I drive my car with alot of spirit. It's been three years with the same fluids other than oil and gas. $400-500 is not unreasonable for a major service interval. I guarantee you if I spend $500 per year ($5000 for a decade) on maintenance, my car will be in better shape than the next Z owner. And worth more too. You'll get the money back if you sell it in clean condition. I paid alot of money for my car. I don't use the cheap stuff or cut corners on repairs. So if you're serious about your car, you'll need to change your how you view basic car maintenance. Cost is a big factor on purchasing services. Shop around, but consider a good mechanic based on reputation too. Also if you can't afford the regular service maintenance on your car, then you probably should have bought something more in line with your budget. You gotta pay to play!

BTW I manage an auto shop.
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