Thread: Gas Pedal Delay
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Old 07-29-2012, 12:53 PM   #759 (permalink)
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A lot of this may be heat soak. When it is hot out and the car has been running a while everything under the hood is super hot including the air boxes there is no ventilation in the engine bay and it acts like a a huge convection oven.

When leaving work for the day my cars both the 370z and the Nismo are parked in a garage staying nice a cool. When I first leave the cars are very responsive and throttle reaction time is quick and brisk. Once I have been driving for 20-30 miles it start to slow down on acceleration even though my oil temps are 200 degrees. At a light if I am sitting for two minutes when I press the gas it just sit barely moving until I get to about 10-15 mph then it kicks back in. This is heat soak. If you have a decent OBDII scanner you can watch your intake temps. They will be soaring at idle at the light so when you accelerate you get the bog. Once moving again they cool to ambient.

Having a tru CAI will eliminate this problem. Short rams won't do it, a lot of the kits I have seen won't work. You need a way to bring in cold air as close to the ground as possible preferably taking in air from the front away from any heated part.

You also want the tubes inside insulated from the heat of the motor. The way they designed the two TB intakes on either side of the mother just over the manifolds is to say the least retarded! The problem of heat is compounded.

The corvette, and other sports cars the TB intake in in the front of the motor away from the heat of the manifolds. The intake has a short run from the front of the motor to the TB so intake temps will stay lower. An intake design change of the 370z motor moving the TBs to the front away from the heat of the manifolds would add a lot more performance.

The best solution is to find a way to let heat out of the engine bay. I know my 5.4 in my Expedtion does no put off half the heat the 370z does. I pull into the garage and it will heat up my house so much heat is pouring out and it stays that way it won't cool,down for hours. I habe to leave the hood up. It even heats my house nice for winter , but summer no! I don know on this maybe vents in the hood or side something to vent that heat out.

The bog is purely heat soak though.
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