Originally Posted by Dallaz
Dang you guys all got lucky, I however was less fortunate. I got pulled over in the fast lane going with the speed of traffic (which was apperently like 78mph) in a 65. He was just chillin on the shoulder and i didnt even see him until it was too late. He pointed at me and then got in his car..... Oh S**t! so any ways I pull off the crowded highway and come to a stop. He walks up and says "license and registration (or proof of insurance, whatever)"... No please in there, and then goes back to his car. After probably 20 minutes no joke he walks back up and says "I'm officer ______ from ______ county, sign here the instructions are on the back"; and then walks to his car. WHAT!!!!! Here I am not even knowing what he pulled me over for and he doesn't tell me anything but "the instructions are on the back" So anyways he ended up giving me the ticket for 13 over. And apparently the max limit before higher fines is 15mph over. Meanwhile you guys are doin 100+ and getting away with it lol. Please teach me!

Ohio state troopers give no grace either- once got a tcket in my Z28 camaro for 70 in a 65 zone-this on a four lane interstate-wth?! Same conversation as above-none!