Originally Posted by Davey
Of course I am, I'm right about everything.
You were laughed at in the thread you started because THIS THREAD existed, where you can see this topic was kind of beaten to death. No one was laughing at you for anything other than "Oh no, not this again."
You can't expect people here to ALL be gracious about the Evo. Some will be, some won't. It's not an Evo board. I don't go over to Evo boards and start bitching about how they need to respect the Z, OK?
Now, turn the troll factor down by about 1000% and maybe you'll last a few more days before you get banned.
I was laughed at on my intro thread because of this? That doesn't even make any sense. I posted pictures of my Evo at nationals at got told that it was fast for a toaster. I reported and it got locked
Apparently it got deleted now.