Old problem returns
Last year i mentioned this problem and it seems to have come back again...
some insect or some thing from the trees is landing on my car and leaving a yellow spot that absolutely cannot be removed with any substance I have found..it actually has to be taken out buy buffing,.and i don't have a buffer..
I have tried everything including paint thinner, citrus cleaners and the usual assortment of car cleaners but nothing short of removing them by hand with a buffing pad will do..and even then its a chore.. You can imagine what removing several of them must be like..
I would be willing to be many other cars have this spot but because my car is white, it shows very clearly.
There must be some chemical that will dissolve this mysterious substance and save my sanity!
Also.. I shot a pic of this spot and put a penny in the shot for size comparison...Its not in real clear focus but its just a blob..if you need a clearer shot I will get one..
I have no clue as to how to embed this in my post..maybe some good Samaritan will do it for me .. all i can do is post the small pic ..and hope.
Last edited by RiCharlie; 08-28-2013 at 03:19 PM.