Originally Posted by 370Zwolf
For the past half year I was looking into used Piper 28 aircraft to get myself my own little bird.
But, planning to get married and have children, it would have been too much of a stretch financially with operating costs and for less than 30 flights per year.
I had already put the aircraft idea aside and was going to save the money when I stumbled over the 370Z. I fell in love and decided to get some everyday driving fun instead of some few happy flights per year. (I get those anyway, just not in my own plane...)
So there was no plan or second car choice here, just an unneccessary, spontaneous fun purchase...
Or, if you like to look at it that way, the Z won over an airplane...
Owning a plane is overrated. For 100 flying hours a year you're just better renting one at 100 per hour or even less. You made the right decision, your Z will go faster too then the Piper