Originally Posted by EazyD
You long-distance people.... anybody with non-touring? I find these cloth seats make my legs tired very quickly. Maybe it's because I have long legs.
I'm 6'-1" with fairly long
and sexy legs, and I don't find the cloth to be terribly uncomfortable
unless I haven't shaved them recently
Originally Posted by houkouonchi
Google lists two routes I can take. One is via the I-10 and interstate 20 E. It goes through Albuquerque, NM and Amarillo, TX and the other one takes me through Phoenix and Odessa, TX.
Both are the same distance (+/- 10 miles) and show only a 10 minute difference. I don't think traffic will be a problem as likely not during normal hours when i go through the bigger towns. Any oppinions on which is the more interesting drive?
The most interesting routes are ones that avoid Interstate.
That being said, I-20 is probably best for your trip.
Originally Posted by Gauge
From madison to chicago. Unlike many here the stiff ride got to me after the first hour. For me the car isn't that enjoyable in cruise control mode. It's definately not the worst car I've driven for cruising, but there are a lot better cars for this task.
Cruise control is definitely boring, but an absolute necessity for road trips in TX. Luckily, I can't go more than about 4 straight hours of driving before having to fill up with gas, so I get to stretch my legs at least that often.
I've done 700 miles in the Z all within Texas on the same day.