Originally Posted by anthonyy
Makes sense to me.
Please define 'tripping balls' at the engineering level.
Engineers are often said to be like this:
It is commonly joked about (and also proven to be true, to a degree) that engineers who produce something that is not perfect are tortured.
According to urbandictionary, this video is an accurate representation of "tripping balls" (not gonna lie this is pretty freaky):
So, I guess if you tried to define "tripping balls" at an engineering level, you'd arrive to the conclusion that it is some kind of painful, mindboggling experience. In other words, the MAF is confused and is subjected to watching that video over and over. It then produces something which doesn't make sense, which makes the ECU also trip balls, like watching that video while on shrooms or something. Would be a lot worse if it were a bad trip. lol