I'm not butthurt :P If I was I wouldn't still be coming to this site. I'm a part of a much more inviting local Z Crew here in WI, so I tend to ask mechanical and technical questions there now, since it's ok to do that there. There are still plenty of cool people here to converse with about cars, so I stick around.
I agree with what you're saying though. I thought you meant to say it's ok to be different here (this site). But yes, regardless of this site it's ok to be different. If no one were different everyone would be the same, and that would be boring. In fact you can already see the carbon copy Z's on this site appearing already, and stuff is becoming played out.
I also agree that if you ask for opinions, especially on lambo doors, you will get both positive and negative feedback. That's the entire point of having an opinion
I disagree with this sites tendency to attack peoples intelligence or character because of an asked question or a modding choice. That is beyond having an opinion, and beyond having a decent discussion on the matter. I did this myself, and felt bad about it, when I first joined this site in order to try to fit in. I quickly learned that it doesn't really matter if you try to fit in or not, if you havn't been around forever, or have expert knowledge in cars, you won't get into the loop anyways.
All I'm saying to the OP is that there is a good probability he will be attacked personally(not heckled, attacked) later down the line even if he doesn't get lambo doors. So he should just take the opinions of some of these people with a huge grain of salt.