Yeah, they did. The program also seems to have grown up a bit, it's a little bit more like a single-afternoon DE event now, whereas before (last year) it was basically an extremely laid back open track afternoon. The old version there were no instructors, the rules were loose, there was little to no corner worker staff on hand, no EMS, etc. It was fun and cheap though, and the good community of drivers showing up and keeping things sane made it all ok. I guess now they're growing the program. They're charging more, but they're offering more as well. The new price seems fair for what the new program seems to offer, at least roughly.
Driver's Edge is a better deal at a full weekend for $300, but those are also less-frequent, spread around several tracks in the state, and fill up fast in advance.
Unfortunately I haven't made a single RMRF event this year

. Between car downtime working on brakes/suspension issues and $work having me traveling a lot, I just haven't been able to.