Originally Posted by Magic Bus
Wow, forum members calling the 2013Z ugly? Let's take it easy Z enthusiasts  OP's question was "what you think my trade in value will be"? Why don't we address that question?
Well, kbb.com or nadaguides.com would be a better source of information than the forums. Plus, trade-in price varies greatly according to how you negotiate the price of the car - if you pay MSRP for the car you would for example be able to get MUCH more for your trade than if you get $1500 under invoice.
So, OP, my advice to you is to go to KBB.com and value your trade-in and then go to NADAguides.com and value your trade in and work from there.
Plus, he asked if he should wait for the '13, so... That was one opinion. I snapped up a leftover '12 at 0% while I could for the very same reason- I don't know if I'd call the 2013 ugly until I see it in pictures but I'm not a fan of the LED strip or the new wheels thus far.