Originally Posted by kenchan
wow, nice work on that thread, mr.gale!
so i did some tests tonight on my DSLR using raw + jpeg (fine). basically wanted to simulate over exposure... typical issue i run into while taking picts of my silver car in the sun. used my digital piano keys and flash snapped at f/1.8 closeup. the white keys were all blended together due to over exposure, but the black keys looked great.
with RAW: i was able to recover the lines between the white keys without affecting the black keys.
with jpeg: i could not
i dont get many tries to take car picts (i dont have time to redo) so i think having raw files as backup will give me insurance just in case my shots are over exposed. 
Thank you sir
RAW + jpeg is a safe bet. I do the same unless it's studio work then I shoot RAW.