Originally Posted by kenchan
I think I'm going to learn advantages of RAW data vs JPEG. I've only been using jpeg.
Originally Posted by GaleForce
RAW files must/need editing and have more available options for editing over jpeg. If you took two pictures at the same time of the same subject, straight from the camera, the jpeg will look better than the RAW because the camera adds its own ideals (contrast, saturation, etc) to the jpeg. If you don't have time for editing, or can get everything "right" (exposure, white balance, etc) from the start, then jpeg is fine.
RAW is so much easier to tweak than JPEG because you have a lot more parameters by which to fine tune adjust the photo.
It's not that you can't get it right in camera with a RAW picture, but every shot can benefit from a little nudge on the sliders for white balance, highlights, shadows, whites, blacks, sharpness, etc...
I work in Adobe Lightroom with my before and after side by side. This way I can see my changes and also make sure that I'm not straying too far from the truth. Not that digitally altered pictures aren't an art form in and of themselves, but I like to try to stay faithful to what I saw unless I'm blatantly putting out something that's not supposed to look like reality.