Morgan Ford Road
Warren County, VA
Google Maps
Distance: ~ 8.5 miles
Road Condition: Moderate (pretty narrow)
Lined: No
Posted speed Limit:
Speed Enforcement: low
Traffic: Light
Comments: Very odd for me - almost zero turns.. a very long straight road - but great scenery, and some fun elevation changes to break up your high speed run.
(check out the nice run at about 8:20 - good visibility)
a note about the bridge: The existing multi-span bridge is a single lane structure built in 1925, which is 321-feet long with a single 11-foot wide lane. The existing bridge does not meet the current design standards and is in poor condition. During the design process the existing bridge was evaluated for repair and rehabilitation, but it was not economically feasible to pursue this course of action due to safety issues and economic reasons.
soon it will not be possible to experience this bridge - as it is being replaced.