Originally Posted by Flushnismo
Wow man that really sucks.. No warranty from the dealer?

I bought the car as is with. I warranty. The factory warranty is 3yr/36k miles.
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
That sucks man
Do you have another car to drive or is the Viper your only car?
If I only had the Viper, I'd be spending over $120 a week in gas. I have a '02 Ford Taurus for a beater.
Originally Posted by tibal
Damn Ryan! Whats the deal?!?!
Hopefully they will warrantee the engine as it sits right now. 
I wish. As is = no chance in hell
Originally Posted by Kingbaby
Buy a beater and fix it!
I have the beater...just don't have $10k to throw away to fix it. I'll be having it flat bedded in the next week or two to have it diagnosed. Bad timing...but I have to kick out my roommate...so there goes $600 of spare income a month. On a positive note, my boss asked me about a promotion yesterday. If that happens in the next few weeks, the build may be a go.