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Old 07-14-2012, 10:18 AM   #1 (permalink)
zuperman 370
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So guys promised that I was planning on doing something big, well here it is boys and girls the one the only GTM Stage 1.5 Supercharger. Spaecial thanxs goes to Vivid Racing, they did a very professional job and really made this transaction easy for me. Of course there is no need to me to go into the high quality of the GTM kit, they did an amazing job with this and really the quality shows, they guys at the shop were just amazed at the finish and quality of the kit and the way everything was packed and orgainzed and labled, and trust me these guys have seen their fair share of FI kits so they know quality when they see it. Kit arrived to me on Monday afternoon, dropped the car at the shop on Monday eavning and they started work on it Tuesday morning, so far loving the progress of it, last i checked they already installed the SC blower and its coming along perfectly. managed to Snap a few pics here and there, but will have more detailed pics and write up when the install is done as the guys at the shop are taking pics and documenting everything. Also decided to go with the blitz touch brain, this is an exellent option for those who want to have all the readings without having to mount any gauges, plus to me it has more options as self diagnosis and history mapping. Also ordered was the Aquamist HSF-3 methanol kit. I can't wait for this set up, the pics that i have uploaded were taken last week, there has been a lot of progress since then, we are looking at the car to be up and running by the end of the week if all goes well, wish me the best of luck guys.
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