Thread: Pretty wild
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Old 09-01-2009, 05:06 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by polarity View Post
"The Autoignition Temperature of a standard unleaded gasoline can be anywhere from 260 to 460 degrees C (or 500 to 860 deg F) as quoted on the FAQ: Automotive Gasoline Web Page by Bruce Hamilton"

Anyone know the temp of the exhaust pipes while the car is running, and when turned off the rate at which they cool?

For the record, I shut my car off when fueling, but honestly I'm trying to think of a reason. Aside from the static charge causing the fuel to ignite anyone else know of a realistic scenario where a running car would ignite the vapor? It seems to me that if a running car were going to ignite the vapors it would happen anyway as one of the 1000 cars that pull in/out of the gas stations daily would trigger it. If nothing else, it's at least interesting to think about.

The autoignition temperature of gasoline is ~475 degrees F
Exhaust temps can vary between 300 and 600 degrees F but are typically found to be around 500 degrees F when running.
So, it is possible that if gasoline spilled on the hot exhaust pipe it could autoignite. It is also likely that turning off your engine would allow the exhaust pipe to cool the 25-50 degrees below the autoignite temperature fairly rapidly.
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