I have a US mailbox in Niagara Falls NY and I cross all the time with stuff.
If your parts are made in the US, then NAFTA comes in and that means no duty. However, all merchandise entering Canada is subject to tax regardless of whether it's shipped or if you bring it in. In Ontario's case, 13% HST. The only way to avoid tax is if you stay out of the country long enough to get a personal exemption:
24 hours - $50 exempt
48 hours - $400 exempt
1 week - $750 exempt
Sometimes the customs officer in the booth will let you go if it's a small amount or if they already have a lot of people pulled over, or they just feel like being nice. But 9 times out of 10, you'll be going into the office to pay the tax man!
If your parts are not made in the US, then auto parts carry an 8% duty.
Lie about where they made or anything else and get caught and they'll make sure your fine is enough that you won't do it again....and you get flagged in the system.
Your best bet for shipping is always USPS (Postal Service). The post office has a flat brokerage fee of $5. Shipping rate are usually the same or less than couriers and you don't get hosed on brokerage fee's. I wouldn't risk anything with customs, been through it enough times to know if they smell something fishy, they'll nail you. In Mikes example, they start asking where you were selling them, who bought them, where you were, why you have the parts. They'll get you if they decide they want too.
Last edited by Dizzy; 07-12-2012 at 06:14 PM.