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Old 07-12-2012, 12:28 PM   #78 (permalink)
A True Z Fanatic
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Originally Posted by kenchan View Post
im serious. and i dont want the first gen and especially not a ford brand. at least mazda's sort of related to ford?

the MS3's been out like 3yrs now and i am sure most of the bugs have been worked out. i need something before snow fall. i dont want to drive my G again in winter while she did very well with the LM60's, i dont trust the other boneheads. i feel like a sitting duck every frikken day during the commute.

i *think* i saw a BRZ this am. not sure. i saw some rice cut across the corner of my eye and it was a small blue thing.
The Speed3 is on the same platform as the older Focus, 2011 Focus updated to new. I'd expect the MS3 in the next year or so. The MS3 will probably just inch out the ST in performance (10 extra HP, 10 ft/lb extra tq, very close curb weight) but the Ford is a much nicer DD, better suspension and probably nicer interier (depends on taste). The big dif is the Ford is rated at 32 MPG hwy, the MS3 at only 25 MPG hwy. To me the big reason to go MS3 is if you are gonna mod out of the gate. There are a lot of gotyas with these turbo'ed engines but the MS3 crowd has worked out the kinks (they've been on this motor/tranny combo for 6 years and they have a very specific order of mods to do it right, you don't "guess" on this platform). I have no plans to mode for at least 2 years so the Ford makes more sense for me. Overall, either are great picks for DD's in my book. The problem with the BRZ/Scion is when some soccer mom with a back full of groceries and a squalling kid blows you off the road in her cheaper Ford or Mazda product.
keep Chubbs in your pocket - Chubbs

Last edited by Lug; 07-12-2012 at 12:37 PM.
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