If your parents are truly going to pay for your high insurance rate then that's one less thing to worry about. I can relate to you and I know how much you want this car, and I hope you can get it. But most of us here have been in your shoes when we were at your age, so many of us are looking for your best interest.
You really need to do some more research and think about the big picture. For starters, how much do you drive? This car costs me around $80 to fill every 1-2 weeks, $1,500+ in tires every 1.5 yrs, $80 every 3 months in oil, plus random mods. These are the expenses you have to keep in mind with this car. Now throw in your $450 m/ payments, rent, food, utilities, and fun money e.g. drinks, clothes, girls, etc...
If you're going to pull all this off, you'd better have a good source of income, or you'll be living on a very tight budget.
Last edited by elmz; 07-12-2012 at 10:35 AM.