Originally Posted by Nismo89
i see your point but the point i was making was (this is an old thread that keeps being brought up in new(er threads lol hence the whitesnake reference) you may settle for a car less expensive car like the FR-S/BRZ but at some point in time you begin lusting over the thought of damn, i should've spent the additional few grand to get the car i actually wanted, despite spening the additonal money you saved by going with the lesser expensive..
so to aviod that road all together. get what you truly want. not a car in which you buy..... then start comparing it to the Z or higher ups because your never truly going to be satisifed and your always gonna be left wondering the Why? or should of , would've , coud've.
all valid points its just an old thread lol
I know a guy on their forum who was considering a Chevy ZL1. He instead decided to buy a Scion FRS and spend the rest on a small airplane.
It's not always about maxing out your car purchase.