Thread: Idea for a mod
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Old 07-10-2012, 04:23 PM   #19 (permalink)
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reunited is on a distinguished road

I looked at this when I was trying to see if anything similar had been done before.

No, this is not what I meant. I am speaking only of the pull, i.e., where your hand goes to pull the door shut which is about 4" long, angled cut (or not) to mirror the interior lines of the door (or not)

Many years ago in some very high end luxury cars, this area (the pull) was wood to match the wood on the dash/console etc.

I'm not a big fan of carbon fiber but here is a carbon fiber use that might enhance the interior for some while actually being of some functional benefit.

This is a low cost mod.
2012 PW Touring Sport, Navigation. Michelin PSS. LLumar 50 VLT tint all around. Zoom mirrors. Dynaudio/ARC, stealth MDF spare tire sub.
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