Woman is starting to walk out the bar when a man stops her:
Man:Oh my god! Are you ok?! Miss please, are you ok?! (acting extremely concerned).
Man looks at her like her face just got blown off.
Woman: Um, I'm fine.
Man: You don't look fine, are you sure you're ok? Please sit down. GET THIS GIRL A GLASS OF WATER!!! (He says to the bartender).
The bartender brings her a glass.
Man: Please have a drink, (He checks her pulse and has a mini mag and checks her pupils).
The man is extremely concerned.
Man: Somebody call 911.
Woman: Is everything ok?
Man: Shh, don't say anything. SOMEBODY PLEASE CALL 911!!!
Bartender calls 911.
The paramedics show up immediately and everyone is concerned including the woman. The paramedics check the ladies pulse and pupils.
Man: Are you ok are you hurting?
Woman: Why would I be?
Man: That fall from heaven must've hurt.
(Make sure bartender is a friend and 2 friends have paramedic costumes or you will go to jail.)