First wash on the Z wasn't as all out as kenchan, although it was pretty close.
Didn't clay as the car had been in a warehouse for all of three days off a truck. Washed with Meguiar's Gold Class. Dried and waxed with Meguiar's Gold Class Liquid Wax. Did the tires with ArmorAll, and cleaned the wheels with a soft brush and Dawn. Wasn't much brake dust to speak of.
Interior was simple, I had carpeted mats and they were mostly clean. Slapped em a bit and vacuumed loose dirt. Used Meguiar's Interior detailer on all the plastic panels. Lexol leather cleaner and conditioner on the seats. Distilled water for the shift knob and steering wheel (don't make the mistake of using interior detailer on the wheel! bad idea). Interior and exterior glass cleaned with an ammonia free cleaner with microfiber (Invisible Glass).
Brakes get a bit rusty with all the water, but a quick brake into the garage cleans them off.
Nowadays I do a full wash every two weeks. Upkeep with some instant detailer, and wipe down the wheels with a paper towel and some dawn soap. Tires look a bit ugly but they're bald and slightly brown. Avoid using silicone based tire shine unless you do a lot of upkeep as they brown over time because they absorb brake dust.
"Since one of my brake light bulbs just went out, the forum told me that my piston rings are about to blow."
Last edited by 370Z Purist; 07-09-2012 at 01:30 PM.