Originally Posted by kenchan
i think it has to do with culture too. these indian kids in my neighborhood have zero adult supervision. parents dont say anything even if their kids are screaming and screwing around, peeking into parked cars in the visitor's lots putting their greasy hands on the glass, cutting through people's yards with their bikes, playing on people's driveways, etc. etc. etc. it is insane.
thanks, mr.alcheng. i will check this out. i was trying to pull off the map light assembly the other day to CF wrap it, but could not get the thing off as there is a bracket on the otherside of the ceiling. i gave up. but while i was doing the work i was wondering how to remove the lenses.
For that, I will have to say it really depends on the parents, working in retail I have seen failed-parenting from every cultural, sometimes when I see parents don't educate their kids about manner, I really wanna suggest they should use condom...
Regarding the Map light assembly, take a look at the attached picture, when you use a pick-tool, take off the side with the green circle, then go on to the opposite with the small red circle, then you can remove the rest of the two sides carefully by hand. Hope this is more clear.