Here is a picture of what I got from Pep-boys. Some 2 part epoxy, clear, good up to 180 degrees. Some sealant just in case I need it. Some body filler and 180,220 grit sand paper to smooth it out.
Picture of the stock light:
To pull it all apart I used existing DIYs:
DIGItonium awesome DIY thanks for the hard work:
DIY: Front Bumper Removal
DIY: Headlight Removal
Bumper Off, still looks sexy!!!
Lights Off, not sexy, i hope I never wreck:
DON'T HATE ON THE BOX.. its the only thing that was FREE !!!! I could easily cook these in the oven but I wanted to try the box. If i can do it (Mentally Challenged Person) then anyone can do it.
Tapped it up using clear cheap scotch wrapping tape. I closed off all the tears, holes and seams. I laid a towel in the bottom put the light in with clear side down and taped it all up.. Once I had it sealed up real good I cut a hole in the top of the lid than stuck a heat gun (Wagner Sears $25.00) in a hole. I didn't bother taping the gun in place as it would only melt off.
Sorry about the sideways pics..
For Sh--s and giggles I set the other light on top while the heat gun ran its little heart out !!!! Its 90 degrees outside I want to see if it will soften the seal up.