Originally Posted by Thechidz
yep I'm coming from HTC sense too so have the same learning curve. I'm going to reactivate my tbolt tomorrow. I can't live without 4G at home. Hoping the signal gets stronger with an update.
btw... download foxfi... free 4g internet from ur phone 
I think I like HTC sense better than the Samsung Touchwiz, but that may just be because I was used to using it for the past 2 years. I'll look into foxfi, thanks
Originally Posted by 370zproject
ok so iv heard you cant scratch the screen is this true? if so do i really need a otter box w/ a screen protector or just a case?
It's scratch resistant, but not completely scratch proof. Getting those will just be an added layer of protection. I got a screen protector and a case for my phone, but I've only put on the case for now. I'll take pics some time later this weekend so you can see it with the case. It looks pretty sick with the blue case.