no.. I know by default SRM isn't programmed to let off your brakes lol
I was just wondering if anyone else had this experience while driving with their SRM on. It's definitely not in my head. It's the same floaty feeling as if you picked up speed in your car, then kept your foot on the clutch and let the car coast along in neutral for 3 or 4 seconds. That's how it continues to feel for ~2 seconds, after I downshift and let the clutch back in while SRM is on. I can't turn in and accelerate with the car in that state lol Like I said.. I could just turn it off and manual heel-toe is perfectly fine.. but so many people say the SRM is so smooth and enhances the driving experience.. that it made me wonder if perhaps my SRM is faulty
Maybe I'll just have to take it in and ask the Nissan guys if no one else here has ever experienced what I'm talking about hehe Thanks anyways guys!