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Old 07-06-2012, 06:35 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Dashboard Radar SuperFlux LED

Dashboard LED Radar Detector Visual Alert -

I put a stereo in my 370Z a little while ago with some amps, heavy duty components and a sub, come to find out later that when your jammin down the road at high volumeages you can’t hear crap as far as the radar detector warning alarm, that’s a serious gap in the early waning system! I am lucky I did not find out the hard way!

I previously hard-wired my Escort 9500ix in with this DIY: Center Console Mounted Radar Detector Mute Button - and it works great, props to member Division for his DIY!

I hardwire mounted my Escort directly below my rear view mirror, at times even the LEDs on the detector screen did not get my attention, I thought about some type of brighter LED in more of a line-of-sight when your driving.

I started digging around the net looking for some super bright LED that might work, I found some here: SuperFlux 4-chip LED

I took apart my Escort smartplug and initially just soldered wires to the backside of the PCB at the alert LED positive and negative points, I then connected those to my SuperFlux 4-chip LED. I drove around looking for radar and after about an hour I found one. Well poop! The dammed alert LED on the PCB lit up, but my secondary solder wired LED would not??? I think the PCB alert LED was taking all the juice and there was not enough to power the SuperFlux LED.

Screwed around with that for a while and ended up desoldering the existing PCB LED and soldering in place wires that go to the SuperFlux 4-chip LED, stuffed the wires in the cubby and let the LED hang out for testing. On the way to work the next day I turned right if front of a Sheriff that just happened to have his radar on and TEST SUCCESSFUL! These baby’s are BRIGHT! Even on a bright day they can be seen on the dash easily, the LED flashes at about a half second interval consistent with the original LED in the Escort Smartplug, pretty cool and a highly effective visual indicator.

With testing complete I started on the install, I could not decide very well where to put the new LED and how to mount it that would look good, initially I thought that right next to the start button would be the best place but I could not bring myself to drill a hole in that part of the dash. I decided on a corner of the Metra stereo kit I used for the stereo install, drilled a hole just big enough to make the SuperFlux lens visible and super glued a rubber grommet around the LED housing to help hold it in place from the backside of the Metra dash kit.

I then hot glued the LED in from the backside, added soldered extension wires to the LED and went to town putting the stuff back together.

Here are pics of the completed setup below, (crappy phone pics).

One thing that might be a problem is at night the SuperFlux 4-chip LED will probably blast your eyes if it goes off, I will probably end up wiring an on/off rocker switch in the center console for this purpose, the only thing is, you will have to remember to switch it back on after turning it off or the LED will not light up.

Feedback, modifications, comments welcome!

Here is the initial test rig

I used the blue version of the SuperFlux LED

If you look close you can see the 4 tiny LEDs in the lens

Drilled and hot glued the LED into the Metra dash kit

Soldered up the wires on the smartplug PCB


This pic taken during Escort POST when starting the car

Have Fun!

Last edited by rhd; 07-06-2012 at 08:26 PM.
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