I deal with the general manager when buying a car. I consider salesman and sales manager's nothing but order takers who have to get the ok from their boss to finalize the sale. A real pain to fool with these people. So, I start at the top.
I have ordered a 2013 Z which will arrive in October. The dealer has an allocation of so many new cars. The GM has sent his build allocation in for a touring model with the new navy blue color. He will sell it to me at his cost and will keep the 3% holdback as his profit. I did not have to put down a deposit and if I do not like the color I am under no obligation to buy it. I am a repeat customer so I do not know if anyone else could get this kind of deal.
I am so excited about getting back into a Z after owning 2 of them. Driving an Infiniti now, and October will not come soon enough.