Originally Posted by EndyKwon
I don't understand, I see that a lot of people get the Hankook V12's however, it seems they lose a bit of grip in return. Whats so great about them other than being quiet?
Vs Stock:
Long(er) treadlife (Use dependent)
(Better) Heavy rain grip
However, you will sacrifice performance. Initial dry grip when pushing it, and most noticeably cornering. It's really depressing having to break from getting Michelin PSS' to V12's due to cost as a temp replacement. I can't take turns at half the speeds I could with the PSS'. It's sad, but right now I need tread life more than grip. (Even though my front's are still at 70% from buying last summer.

If I hadn't done some demo vids, I'd still have the rears on too probably, oh well.

Originally Posted by Z_ealot
not meaning to thread jack, but im still on stock potenzas and noticed the outside tread is wearing out before the inner tread...could i possibly need the camber adjusted?
Definitely, also give your tire pressures a check too to see where they are at.