Couple days ago I was going home from bowling with my co I was exiting off the highway goin up the hill (not good goin up a hill from stop in a manual) there was 2 lanes for turning...I got in the right lane but decided to go into the I was going into the left lane i didnt see the car coming from then it was too late.. I cut him off accidentally..lookin the the rear mirror I can tell he was pissed. So the light turns green we go...thats when he got into the right lane and starting to go the same speed I was and started staring at I slowed down and didnt want to start anything. As i slowed down he sped up to the next coming light where he had to turned (which i needed to turn too but i decided go straight to go a different way home)..but before makin that turn...he decided to stop and waited for me to pass him I passed him he threw a full can of tea
out his window hitting my car (I was goin 30mph) everyone at that intersection saw what he did they all let me do a U-turn to catch up with him. Right when that can hit my car I was on the phone with the police..i was tryin to read his temp tag through that tinted rear window but it was hard to read.. he had no front or rear license plate....the guy saw me come up to him...he then pulls into a i pulled in front of him..he gets out of the car and approaches me and started cussing at me sayin I almost caused a accident...which I was saying stuff back on why he had to throw **** at my car. But after a few mintues he realized I was on the phone with the cops he then starts to run back to his car and reversed and took off cutting everyone off at a 4 way stop sign. IT was too late for me to do anything else. The police showed up and couldnt do anything but took my report down. The officer was really nice told me that I need to carry my CCW every I go (which i usually do but i didnt that day cause i was working and goin to the bar)..oh we'll that can left a scruff mark on my fenders and a scratch. But I have those JSE UAM aftermarket fenders I need to installed. Sorry guys I just needed to vent.
Sorry if you cant read grammar is poor I know