So I had a surprise yesterday while leaving work. I had just pulled on the road and started gassing it and all the sudden my car starts cutting out, my SES light comes on, and my water temp starts rising. I pull into a Chili's parking lot and pop my hood, and my radiator hose has come off and coolant is all over the engine bay

I was stuck there for an hour trying to cool it down.
What had happened was that when I installed my crank pulley on Monday I pulled the radiator hose off to get more room. I put it back on and clamped it back, but I forgot one clamp, so the hose was just sitting on the nozzle, and when I started driving it just came off.
Now here's my question: I mixed water with my coolant, should I just leave it like that or should I drain the radiator and go with straight coolant again?
Sent from my iPizzle using magic and new-fangled science stuff