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Old 07-04-2012, 01:34 AM   #1 (permalink)
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NitrousZ34 is on a distinguished road
Default Prayers needed please

I'm pretty out of it right now so my typing might be off or not make sense at times but here it goes. Even though i don't personally know any of you guys, i just need people to talk to at this time. I was sitting in my room playing some Xbox and my mom comes in and tells me that she needs to talk to me. I thought she was going to say something about my dentist appointment that i had earlier today, or something about my teeth not being as good as they could be. She told me to pause when i got a chance so i turned off the Xbox and she started tearing up and telling me she found out that she had breast cancer today. This is hard for me and im constantly having to stop typing because i keep tearing up seeing her how she was. I remember for the past couple of months she has told me that she has been really tired and has had some aches here and there and i told her to go to the doctor and get a check up. She is always busy signing up kids for soccer and when she is not home, she has to stay with my grandma half of the week at her house because she has dementia and cannot live alone. She switches off with the other caregiver so that she can do her work at home and be with us. She kept putting off going to the doctor until last week and today when she went back for results on whatever they did, they confirmed that she had breast cancer. The doctors have no idea how long she has had it or what stage it is in. They are really concerned that it can reach her lungs and other organs. When my mom was telling me this i was paying attention, but i didnt understand what she was saying because i was still trying to comprehend that she did have breast cancer. After she told me, i just had to go take a shower so that she couldnt hear me cry, i didnt want her to see her son crying for her and making her feel worse. All im asking from you guys, even though none of you like i said personally know my mom and i, just keep her in your prayers for me and hope everything goes smoothy and turns out for the best. I'm sure some of you guys can relate to this and know how i really feel right now. This is a real eye opener that someone can be here today, and be gone tomorrow, its just how life is. Never take anyone for granted no matter who they are. Thank you guys and god bless
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