Originally Posted by 370ZilverZ
I traded in a E92 M3 on the Z. I do enjoy the Z, but it is anything but an M3. I miss my M3 so badly at times, but my Z will be paid for in 2 years and my maintenance bills will not be as much. The two are not comparable in my opinion. The only thing I didn't like about the M3 was the NAV. It looks good, but it navigates badly. The rest is a great wet dream. Pure pleasure! If you drive over 200 miles on trips, The M3 will do it in comfort, not the Z. I drove Amarillo to San Antonio in the M3 and enjoyed every mile. I drove from Dallas to San Antonio in the Z and couldn't wait to get there and get out of the car. I'm 6'3" 230lbs.
I can see that. Tall guys are the folks who primarily complain about comfort in a Z, and rightfully so. I've driven my Z on 12 hour road trips on several occasions. The only time I had pain or discomfort was when I drove my friend's Touring Z on one of these long trips. The electronics in the seat dug into my hip and lower back pretty badly. I actually like the non-touring seats better for this reason.
That said, I'm sure an M3 is more comfortable all around.