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Old 07-03-2012, 02:53 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Chi_g35 is on a distinguished road
Default Final Update 7/3 ** Wheels In Hand **

Finally getting back on track had a long & draining weekend, surprised I even came to work yesterday! Ive been having some issues with photobucket but finally able to get the pics posted...

The wheels came in and looked amazing! I sent Chi-City-G pics the day them came in and went and took some location shots.

After all the drama to get these wheels I am extremely happy with the look, I couldnt have picked a better finish. They have been completely transformed and they even painted the inner barrels black without me asking, really makes them pop and hides all the dirt on the inside of the wheel.

I gotta give a shot out to the executives at Rennen, they heard me loud and clear, one conversation and he kept his end of the bargain. Im a man of my word and respect someone who can follow through so I am happy this is resolved.

Its great this negative chapter has been closed and look forward to some new things on the horizon.

Thanks to everyone who posted on the forums and showed support for me. This forum is like another family, everyone really sicks up for each other and I couldnt ask for anything else.

Much Love & Respect to all of you guys!

Hope you enjoy the pics!!!!

Location pics!

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