370z vs E92 M3
I have been having this debate with myself for the past 2 months. I currently own a '11 G37x sedan so I am familiar with the motor these two cars share. My main problem I have been contemplating is the additional cost of the M3 brand new (around 25k-30k more) worth it. As we all know, this will be the last year of the E92 M3 and the naturally aspirated V8 it currently contains. I have no interest in the next model as the tri-turbo setup just screams problems to me since the 3 series has the problems being twin turbo'd.
I will be financing either choice, just the amount of money I put down will greatly differ from one to the other. No matter which car I decide to get, I am going to modify it. Just doing a quick mock-up of parts I would want for them both, they are relatively close enough to each other it won't matter. If I go with the 370z, I'll be able to get all the parts that I want right off the bat minus the supercharger kit where as with the M3 I will have to save and wait to get each part as I would be putting down all my money on the M3; not the case with the 370z.
It is highly doubtful that I would daily drive either car unless the insurance quote that my current carrier gave me are correct. The 370z was double the cost of the G37x which sounds insane to me; yet Progressive gave me much lower rates in comparison. I would like to own a second car in case of down time while working on the vehicle. Also the possibility of daily driving a total of 50 miles each day may sway me one way or the other. Another reason would be the ability to actually haul items from place to place.
I was also curious as to what Z owners feel about the quality of paint that Nissan uses on the 370z's because if it is like what was used on the G's, it is horrible. I compare my G's paint job to Maaco thats how bad it is. My old daily driven Honda Civic that had 111k miles on it had less paint missing.
Some may say at this point why not just get the G37s coupe. I'm not too thrilled with that idea since the parts for that car are scarce, especially when it comes to aethstetics. Another person may say why not get a used M3 but I have steered away from that direction because with the amount of money that would be put down, I don't want to roll the dice on buying something that might be a nightmare to fix. The last person may throw out the idea of buying a used GTR, trust me, that idea is still floating in my head. I am just looking for some advice on this decision of mine. Some people might make points that I haven't thought of before which may help me.
Last edited by TeRRoRiFiC35; 07-03-2012 at 01:50 PM.