Originally Posted by Pintsize725
I give up. I keep trying to catch up and then there are more posts to sort through. I'll check back in later. For now, I'm going to go drool over my car. 
drool over your Z?? With the water hose?? Sure... some wet-time with the Z is always
Originally Posted by kenchan
hahaha, i have the normal TWM typeR in satin in my G right now and it feels great.  the satin finish actually keeps the surface cooler than normal stainless or mirror (hot  finishes).
the big type-r is only considerably bigger, not HUGEGANGOUS looking at the picts, i think.  i got the standard brushed stainless one for my Z.
the PWJDM was fine until i mis-shifted the other week when the rear of my Z spun out about 65degrees requiring a 120 degree counter and i was trying to get into 2nd gear when the knob slipped out of my hand causing me to spill- water-from-the-cup which is a big fail.  it was an abrupt recovery from a drift and i did not enjoy it one bit. i blame it on the knob. 
Mr.kenchan... Japanese should able to drift without spilling the water....

You know....