Originally Posted by ZOLE
Thanks man. Indeed, we'll have a little head running around our house here shortly (due date is Nov 17th). I'm mentally preparing now for the upcoming change in routine. My biggest concern is daycare and figuring out how we can work it with our schedules. My wife works Mon-Thur and I work long days and travel frequently.
Now I laugh every time I hear any expecting father state that he's mentally preparing for the upcoming change... BS

You can DEF prepare yourself financially but it's always a shock no matter how mentally prepared you think you are. The first week we had her home, we were running on adrenalyn and weren't get ANY "ANY" "ANY" sleep despite the help from both grandmas and my sister.
The daycare deal and figuring out your wife schedule going forward would def be challenging, nothing that can't be figured out though. I lucked out, my mother-in-law whom I very close to retired on the spot once she saw the baby; my wife stopped working altogether. She will start working part time in January for her own private practice (picks her own schedule which would help with flexibility).
IMO, fatherhood is a pretty damn exciting experience. The only thing that slightly gets to me is that I just can't pick up and travel as much as I was used to. I can deal with that for now :tup; Congrats once again Ryan, exciting man!
Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Oh wow I completely missed the part about the baby in your last post. Congrats man 