Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Did you get them installed at Hill's Garage? Saw pics on their FB page of a PG 370Z getting an akebono bbk upgrade.
Yep that's mine. Thanks for pointing it out, I didn't even know they had a FB page. They did a great job by the way.
Originally Posted by birdmanx1
Did you say baby Ryan??? Congratz!!!!!!!! Once he/she comes, you'll be busy as h*ll for a bit. I'm just finally starting to get back to my old ways & schedule 8 weeks later and that's because we had help from both grandmas
We'll miss you till August man, I'm very very happy for your wife and you. 
Thanks man. Indeed, we'll have a little head running around our house here shortly (due date is Nov 17th). I'm mentally preparing now for the upcoming change in routine. My biggest concern is daycare and figuring out how we can work it with our schedules. My wife works Mon-Thur and I work long days and travel frequently.