Originally Posted by Bucketlist2012
Gotta go, but to let you guys know..
I am on a few sites, and this one has the coolest people on it. Some of the other sites, are a bunch of pompous A$$ holes. And remember, if I think they are pompous A$$es, they must be off the charts.. It is like dealing with children, and a pissing contest.
You guys and gals are great.Only once or twice , have we had to have someone slapped on this site by a moderator.
Just thought you guys and gals should know that you are all a bunch of cool people and it is a pleasure when I come here.
Life is short, and I plan on enjoying it...See you soon.
Well said

I'm not on other forums but having frequented numerous BBS and then IRC chat rooms in my years of interweb exploits, I wholeheartedly agree. There are certainly a few good guys here and there, but this forum is overwhelmingly
Partied hearty tonight and about to crash, so I'm not really sure the morning Z meet is in my future. We'll see - I do need to pick up some potting soil at Lowe's.