ok, had the 370Z for about 3-4 days now. thought i would give some initial impressions:
1) beautiful color and interior (Monterey/Frost).
2) the polished aluminum wheels look fantastic on the car.
3) radio/stereo is alot better than my '08 350Z Enthusiast.
4) seems to run smoother/better than my '08 350Z.
5) gotten several compliments on it already, including the 18 y.o. girl that was working at the McDonalds drive thru after the high school footgall game friday night.
6) luv the XM Radio, never had it before.
7) cannot lock the key fob inside the car, that is a good thing.
8) the push button start is nice, hope that stays reliable.
some things that could be better:
1) the little access door to the storage area (where the GPS would be) doesnt open wide enough.
2) the little access door to the storage behind the passenger seat sucks.
3) glove compartment isnt very big.
4) at the drive thru at McDonalds.....i had my foot on the brake (apparently on the right side of the brake pedal) and as i pushed on it i also managed to push on the accelerator too. the car revved up and we moved about 5 feet before i figured out what i was doing. got to watch using the right side of the brake pedal....

5) blind spots
i am at the office now so i have to cut this short. if i think of anything else i'll add later.