Originally Posted by LunaZ
Thank you!
Beauty Dish up high on a mini-boom, camera left. Big Soft Box just barely right of camera. White Reflector to the left, about chest level, tilted up slightly.
One thing I'm really happy about with what I shot last night is that I stopped it down quite a bit. I shot everything at f/11 and got the detail I was looking for.
Just because my lens goes as wide as f/1.4, that doesn't mean that's where I should be all the time 
I usually try to stay between 5.6 to f/8. A lot of lenses have diffraction around f/11 or slower.
That shot looks good as far as lighting and exposure, but it needs some sharpening and I'm not too sure how I feel about how tight the crop is.
That reflection above her eye is really distracting, too.