Originally Posted by b1adesofcha0s
Holy crap! What the hell did you park under? I parked underneath a power line at work once and got hit pretty bad, but even that was nothing compared to this 
It was a metered spot on 5th Street with maybe 3-4 trees overhanging. There were probably hundreds of birds in the trees, and just one look at the ground in and around the parking space would tell you you're not safe. But we were running late and I said f#$% it. After the bar, we went to dinner (which is where I took the photo), and then I stopped at a nearby self car wash to clean her up a bit (knowing about the car wash was one reason I decided to park there).
Originally Posted by Amj2020
Hey look on the bright side at least that is just birdpoo. When I bought my new maxima I pulled into my spot at home and the electrical transistor above the spot exploded on cue as I pulled in spraying molten lead all over the car cracking every piece of glass on the car including the panoramic roof. So my new car with 400 miles had every piece of glass and plastic trim replaced as it was cracked and ruined/pitted with molten metal. Ironically the paint was unaffected by the raining molten metal! go figure. On a side note HOLY BIRD S++T batman
HOLY MOLTEN METAL, BATMAN!! That's just insane.