I think it will be close if not faster than the Cayman HAVING DRIVEN BOTH and yes it was a new 2010 with DI ad a PDK(which was smooth) and i drove the manual porsche too same day that stick shift is sooooo smooth in the porsche though. I think either they ran it, it broke 8's, and they won't release it because that's a little closer to the gtr than they would like, they ran it and the Viscous blew up on them like the one track day with the nismo where they blew two, or they ran it it over heated 1/4 way around and they covered it up like Roswell because it would show what a lot of people are saying is true.
Oh or they ran it and realized that 155 is too damn low to set the speed limiter on Nordschlief when there is a straightaway that is 2 or 3 miles long.
Last edited by 1slow370; 08-31-2009 at 03:56 AM.