good luck today, mr.onzedge!
selling a 6 digit software is tough business (not that i am any expert in software).
i knew this was going to be some sort of PSS commercial/advertising campaigne...
just kidding! glad you made it okay!
i had a similar situation back 20yrs+ ago when i was driving a pos civic-hb with no-season tires i saw a cavalier or something PARKED in the middle of the fast lane. we were all going pretty fast 75mph-ish and a trunk infront of me (blocking my view) suddenly swerved out of the lane to avoid hitting the parked cavalier giving me less than 0.5 sec to react.
with pos all seasons on a stock pos civic with 90K miles, i knew the only option. i went into the grass to avoid
hahaha. i thought my pos car would fall apart into pieces with tires blown and all.
cars behind me also did the same and luckily noone hit, no blown tires.
we all got out of our cars, and did the wtf dance.
then hopped back into our cars and drove off.
did you gopro it?!
so you likes your s2k better than before now?