Originally Posted by scottIN
Found the one I have.
Garden Hose Filters – Pure Water Products, LLC
I've got the clear + the water softener cartridge. Look slike they've gone up a bit since I bought mine 10 years ago - imagine that. But still only $59.
Just like a water softener, the medium is cleaned / recharged with salt.
Wash (Soap) the whole car completely, not in sections. I know this goes against the grain of what we've done in the past. Drying soap will NOT cause water spots. Rinse with the nozzle off. then dry with microfiber cloths. Important. Any residue of water should be removed with Meguires Ultimate Detailer. This will take out water spots once you've moved the car and water comes out from the mirrors and other areas. Thats it. Mines black and perfect.